Launch – Global Alliance of Eye Bank Associations inc.

Posted by: Admin-Gaeba Category: News

Sutured eyeSix world leading Eye Bank Associations have joined together to launch a new Global Alliance of Eye Bank Associations inc. (The Global Alliance) in order to support and develop eye banking services around the world.

Global Alliance representative, Dr Graeme Pollock, says ‘the key aims of the Global Alliance are to develop global collaboration on best practice, sharing of information on scientific meetings, development of conferences and education events, establishment of a worldwide register of eye banks, development and promotion of global coding and traceability efforts, and bio-vigilance systems for ocular tissue.
‘Advocacy and education also play a central role in the organizations development and we are looking forward to working with colleagues around the world to support the needs of their eye bank staff and ultimately the donor, donor family and the recipient.
‘The concept of the Global Alliance also seeks to assist existing global Eye Bank Associations to support and combat unethical practice associated with donation and transplantation, as advised by the WHO and the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism,’ says Dr Pollock.
The signatories of the new Global Alliance include the; Eye Bank Association of America, European Eye Bank Association, Association of Eye Banks of Asia, Eye Bank Association of Australia and New Zealand, Pan American Association of Eye Banks, and the Eye Banks Association of India.
While a Memorandum of Understanding is in place between these foundation partners, each association will retain their independence, identity and position as a regional association.
The development of the Alliance shall not disrupt any affiliations, partnerships, prior and future arrangements or projects of each association, and individual eye bank members will continue to participate with their local eye bank association.
While still in the foundation phase, the Global Alliance key stakeholders have launched the new initiative and a new website, ready to provide the platform for future dialogue and communication around the world.
For further information, or to arrange an interview with Dr. Pollock or a Global Alliance Representative in your region, please contact Heather Machin, via: or .

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